Swipe the members ID card or key fob.
If the member doesn't have a keyfob / card with them, Click "Look-up Member" and enter their name.
Remind the member that they need to present their membership card or keyfob when visiting the makerspace.
The member's account should pop-up. Note that their membership status and access level are included here.
Click "Check-In"
Check in is automatically focused when the popup is shown, so you can press enter to check-in the user.
At closing time, you'll need to verify that everyone who is not a keyholding member has left the building.
Click the Id card icon in the navigation bar.
In the popup, you can review which members are still checked in and check them out if they left without checking out.
Once you're sure that all non-keyholding members have left, you can click "Checkout All" to checkout any remaining keyholders.
Almost done!
Finish Line