Turn the key to the on position. 2 clicks and then release the key. The red light should turn on, as well as the white work lights inside.
The bed will automatically zero down, and will lower all the way to the bottom.
Open the door to the laser and place your material.
When placing material, do not place any force on the bed itself as it can easily warp.
Use the arrow keys to move the head above your material.
Find the focus tool in the tray above the key pad.
Place the focus tool, pointy side down in the groove on the right side of the laser head. The brass rectangle slides into the groove in the red aluminum below the black coupling.
The focus tool can fit through the grate and may fall through. If this happens, follow the instructions to open and close the grate.
Raise the bed using the up arrow. labeled AF. Continue to raise the bed until the focus tool touches the material and drops off the machine.
Replace the focus tool in the tray.
Close the lid
Almost done!
Finish Line